
I'm just a dog - but it's fun!

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Chris & Mikey

Well, actually it's Mikey & Chris - or whatever - we're a good team.

But next time we get a photo taken I'm going to tell Chris to wash the spaghetti sauce off of his face... sheesh!

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Cooling off

Cooling off
Originally uploaded by itzechris.
Man, it sure has been hot. Good thing there's the dipping pool down at the creek where I can cool off!

Monday, June 27, 2005

Monterey Bay

Monterey Bay
Originally uploaded by itzechris.
That was a great day! Not too warm and not too cold! I love the California central coast!

Sunday, May 22, 2005


Originally uploaded by itzechris.
Can't they just leave me alone?

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Shit - I'm getting a bath

Shit - I'm getting a bath
Originally uploaded by itzechris.
I sure do hate this.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

mikey in fairfax

mikey in fairfax
Originally uploaded by itzechris.
That's right - Fairfax in Marin which is actually civilization for us, we live in the sticks so to speak - actually the redwoods... but what the heck. I've actually heard a rumor that we're headed into the BIG city tonight - San Francisco that is - W O W und W U U F F !

Friday, April 22, 2005

Mikey the Dog - by Uta

Mikey the Dog
Originally uploaded by itzechris.
Wow - Uta is soooo cool! Look at this! Doesn't it look just like Mikey?

Friday, April 15, 2005

Mikey & Chris by Uta

chris & mikey
Originally uploaded by itzechris.
Another drawing from Uta. That's my dog Mikey and I...

Oh, well no - ehem - sorry - sheesh. It's Me and my pal (owner) Chris!

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

On Webster in SF

Mikey on Webster
Originally uploaded by itzechris.
Yup - we were in San Francsico today, really nice after all the rain but a bit windy (there's always something to complain about).

So this was on our walk back up to the car after a stroll on Union Street. Boy is it steep!

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Mill Valley

Mill Valley
Originally uploaded by itzechris.
We were also in Mill Valley at the Depot, it was soooo warm and there were so many other pooches to sniff. Cool!